She’s a real thief because she steals everyone’s heart! 

Her Thoroughbred racing name is “Trattoria,” out of “Flat Out” and “Hope For.”

This 6 year old beauty was so badly injured in her first and only race that euthanasia was almost inevitable. 

She was offered to me and, at first, I actually said I would have to think about it. She was wild and in pain and very dangerous in the damaged state she was in. 

Seeing something special in this darling, I hesitantly, agreed to give her a chance. I began working to simply enter her stall without being literally, trampled. 


Earning Trust

Kelly and Chanel

Every day I would do a little more to earn her trust. She would explode and panic causing much fear in every part of her attempted recovery. 

One month went by and I was finally ready to let her out of her stall, even to go just a few feet. Day after day, we would walk a little further. 

Eventually, we made it out of the barn. That was a win! 

I continued to rehab her for almost two years. Long story short, she made a full recovery! 

Chanel is a SURVIVOR! 

This amazing girl has gone on to be ridden and recently debuted in her very first Dressage show with many more to come! Chanel is truly, our little Princess! 

She is a beautiful asset to our program, sharing her sweetness and love of being an incredibly special, therapy horse! 

She is always shining bright and putting smiles on all our client’s faces!


Fun Fact

  Chanel loves peppermints! 

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