Tea certainly did not start out to be a therapy horse. His owner, my youngest daughter, impressively began training him, with hopes of him becoming a show horse. 


A true triumph, in 2020 she joyfully, was able to ride Tea in their very first Dressage show together! 

They did an amazing job! Tea delighted all the fans by whinnying during their entire test! 

Tea wanting a little porch time

And Tribulations

Sadly, shortly after their competition, he suffered a serious injury and needed a year of rehab. 

Tea’s injury was so severe, we were told, if he heals, he may never be able to be ridden again. With dedicated rehabbing and endless prayers, he miraculously has returned to light riding/training in hopes that our sweet boy can get back in the show ring once again! 

A New Calling….

In that year, we found that anyone who visited our therapy facility was immediately drawn to this playful clown! My daughter had taught him to bow, smile, hug and steal the show! So of course, he then took on an additional role and was added as another therapy horse in our program! 

Tea has a special connection with people and can often sense when something is concerning, where he quickly becomes quiet and nurturing. 

Horse Hugging Lady
Tea rolling in the sand

Tea is silly and playful and is always getting into mischief! He’s the one that gets all the other horses in trouble! 

I’m certain he actually plans his daily mischief the night before!

But….There is something about him that is so adorable, we simply cannot get mad at him! 

He’s the cutest, silliest, most huggable big guy we have!


Fun Fact

Tea loves brown sugar pop tarts! 

This is TEA!!

This guy is our ROCKSTAR!         Seriously…he’s kinda famous if you know him!! 

The stunner Thoroughbred, known as “Teewinot” on the racetrack and “Here’s the Tea” in the Dressage ring, is a major sweetheart! 

Out of “Teton Forest” and “Holy Place,” this incredibly, gorgeous guy was injured in his training before he ever officially raced. He was retired at only, 3 years old. 

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